Catalog Contents
- 2024-2025 Catalogs
- ANT - Anatomy
- APY - Applied Psychology
- BAC - Accounting
- BBU - Business Administration
- BEC - Economics
- BFN - Finance
- BIO - Biology
- BLD - Leadership
- BMG - Management
- BMK - Marketing
- BST - Bible
- CDM - Creative Digital Media
- CDV - Child Development
- CEL - Extended Learning
- CIT - Computer Information Technology
- CMT - Communications
- COM - Communications
- EDT - Education
- ETH - Business Ethics
- HIS - History
- HST - General Education - History
- HUM - Humanities
- INT - Interpretation
- KNS - Kinesiology
- LDR - Organizational Leadership
- MAT - Mathematics
- NRS - Nursing
- NUT - Nutrition
- PBA - Public Administration
- PCY - Psychology
- PSC - Physical Science
- SCI - Biology
- SCJ - Criminal Justice
- SCL - Sociology
- SPN - General Education - Spanish
- SUS - Business - Sustainability
- WRT - Writing
- Graduate Education
- Adapted Physical Education (APE) Added Authorization
- Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Added Authorization
- Clear Administrative Services Credential
- Curriculum and Instruction, M.A.
- Curriculum and Instruction, M.S.
- Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Added Authorization
- Educational Administration, M.A.
- Educational Administration, M.S.
- Emotional and Behavior Disorders (ED) Added Authorization
- Higher Education, M.A.
- Higher Education, M.S.
- Orthopedic Impairments (OI) Added Authorization
- Other Health Impairment (OHI) Added Authorization
- Preliminary Administrative Services Credential
- Preliminary Credentials
- Professional Clear Teaching Credential: Education Specialist
- Reading and Literacy Added Authorization
- School Counseling, M.A.
- School Counseling, M.A. (with PPS Credential)
- School Counseling, M.S.
- Special Education, M.A.
- Special Education, M.S.
- Teaching, Preliminary Teaching Credentials, M.A.
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Added Authorization
- ACC - Accounting
- ANA - Anatomy
- APE - Education
- ATR - Athletic Training
- BIB - Bible
- BIO - Biology
- BUS - Business Administration
- CHU - Church History
- CMI - Christian Ministry
- EDU - Education
- ENG - English
- GED - Education
- GEL - Education Leadership
- GNSG - Nursing
- KIN - Kinesiology
- LDR - Organizational Leadership
- MGT - Management
- MPA - Public Administration
- MSM - Medicine
- OCC - Occupational Therapy
- PHL - Philosophy
- PSY - Psychology
- SPA - Spanish
- SPE - Special Education
- THE - Theology
- WRI - Writing
- About the University
- Academic and General Policies
- Addenda and Errata
- Admissions
- Colleges, Schools, and Departments
- Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT)
- College of Arts and Humanities
- Department of Art and Design
- Department of Communication Studies
- Department of History and Political Science
- Department of Literature, Journalism, Writing, and Languages
- Cinema Studies Minor
- English, B.A.
- Environmental Studies, B.A.
- French Language Certificate
- French Minor
- French, B.A.
- Literature Minor
- Multimedia Journalism Minor
- Multimedia Journalism, B.A.
- Public Relations Minor
- Spanish Language Certificate
- Spanish Minor
- Spanish, B.A.
- Sustainability Studies Minor
- Women's Studies Minor
- Writing Minor
- Department of Music
- College of Health Sciences
- Department of Biology
- Biology, B.A.
- Biology, B.S.
- Biology-Chemistry, B.S. (Biology)
- Biology: Cell and Molecular Biology Minor
- Biology: Environmental Biology Minor
- Biology: Organismal Biology Minor
- Data Analytics Minor
- Environmental Science (Biology), B.S.
- Science-Business Minor (Science Majors - Biology Department)
- Science-Marketing Minor (Science Majors - Biology Department)
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Mathematical, Information, and Computer Sciences
- Applied Mathematics, B.S.
- Computer Science Minor
- Computer Science: Cyber Security, B.S.
- Computer Science: Software Engineering, B.A.
- Computer Science: Software Engineering, B.S.
- Computer Science: Technical Applications, B.S.
- Computer Technology - Business Minor (Math and Computer Science Majors)
- Computer Technology - Marketing Minor (Math and Computer Science Majors)
- Data Analytics Minor
- Data Science, B.S.
- Engineering, B.S.E.
- Information Systems, B.S.
- Mathematics Minor
- Mathematics, B.A.
- Mathematics, B.A. for Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) Students
- Mathematics, B.S.
- Software Engineering Certificate
- Software Engineering Minor
- Department of Physics and Engineering
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Sociology, Social Work, and Family Sciences
- Traditional Undergraduate Business
- Accounting (CPA Track), B.S. Business Administration
- Accounting Minor
- Accounting, B.S. Business Administration
- Business Administration Minor
- Business Administration, B.A.
- Business Certificate
- Computer Technology - Business Minor (Business Majors)
- Computer Technology - Marketing Minor (Business Majors)
- Data Analytics Minor
- Economics Minor
- Finance Minor
- Finance, B.S. Business Administration
- Information Systems, B.S.
- International Development Minor
- International Development, B.S. Business Administration
- Management, B.S. Business Administration
- Marketing Minor
- Marketing, B.S. Business Administration
- Nonprofit Organization Management Minor
- Public Relations Minor
- Science-Business Minor (Business Majors)
- Science-Marketing Minor (Business Majors)
- Traditional Undergraduate Theology and Christian Ministry
- Biblical Studies Minor
- Christian Mission & Intercultural Ministry Minor
- Christian Studies Minor
- Christian Studies, B.A.
- Philosophy Minor
- Philosophy, B.A.
- Science and Christian Faith Minor
- Theology, Justice, and Peace, B.A.
- Vocational Ministry Minor
- Worship Arts Minor
- Youth and Family Ministries Minor
- ACC - Accounting
- ANA - Anatomy
- ART - Art
- ATR - Athletic Training
- BIB - Bible
- BIO - Biology
- BUS - Business Administration
- CHD - Child and Adolescent Development
- CHE - Chemistry
- CHN - Chinese
- CHU - Church History
- CMI - Christian Ministry
- CMU - Music - Church Music
- COM - Communication Studies
- CSC - Computer Science
- ECO - Economics
- EDU - Education
- EGR - Engineering
- ENG - English
- ESI - Environmental Studies
- EVS - Environmental Science
- FIN - Finance
- FRE - French
- FST - Freshman Studies
- GER - German
- GRK - Greek
- HEB - Hebrew
- HIS - History
- HON - Honors Program
- IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
- ISS - Information Systems
- JRN - Journalism
- KIN - Kinesiology
- LAN - Foreign Language
- LIN - Linguistics
- MCM - Music - Commercial Music
- MGT - Management
- MKT - Marketing
- MTC - Music Technology
- MTH - Mathematics
- MUA - Music Applied
- MUC - Music Composition
- MUE - Music Education
- MUH - Music History
- MUP - Music Performance
- MUT - Music Theory
- NSG - Nursing
- NUT - Nutrition
- OCP - Off-Campus Programs
- PHL - Philosophy
- PHP - Preparation for Health Professions
- PHY - Physics
- POL - Political Science
- PSC - Physical Science
- PSY - Psychology
- SOC - Sociology
- SPA - Spanish
- SWF - Sociology and Family Sciences
- SWK - Social Work
- THE - Theology
- TRE - Theatre
- WRI - Writing