Academic Catalog 2024-2025

LDR - Organizational Leadership

LDR 4003  Personal and Professional Ethics  (4 Units)  

This course explores a theoretical and applied understanding of ethics within personal and professional leadership contexts. Students are invited to critically consider how ethical values influence workplace decision-making and interactions with key stakeholders. Additionally, students are encouraged to navigate areas of difference in order to find common ground across diverse perspectives. Topics include ethics in business, professional civility, respect for human rights, and upholding a responsible lifestyle in the contemporary world. Ethical theories and personal values are examined through readings, analysis of the workplace, and classroom discussions.

Letter grade.  
LDR 4004  Principles of Management  (4 Units)  

This course focuses on the fundamentals of managing teams and organizations. This course integrates technical tools, organizational awareness, and applicable theories and principles that are needed to understand the evolving nature of managing and leading in organizations. Motivational theory and its application to individuals and groups are analyzed, in addition to how productivity is enhanced in a changing global environment. Students will develop an understanding of how to align their leadership with specific concepts of management in order to successfully lead individuals, teams, and organizations.

Letter grade.  
LDR 4024  Capstone in Organizational Leadership  (1 Unit)  

This culminating course provides learners with an opportunity to reflect upon leadership theories and management concepts learned throughout the program. Students will critically think about how these theories and concepts have impacted their own leadership development and how they operate in an organization. In this course, students will continue to research topics that enhance their understanding of organizational culture and policies. Student will create a leadership portfolio that highlights assignments, projects, and presentations completed in this course, as well as in their previous BAOL courses. This course will focus on the presentation of the work done by the students to the rest of the class and interested observers.

Letter grade.  
Prerequisite(s): LDR 4020