Academic Catalog 2024-2025

CMI - Christian Ministry

CMI 1020  Imagining Ministry  (1 Unit)  

This course explores a broad view of Christian ministry and leadership as well as how to discern vocational calling through creative expressions of lay and ordained ministry.

Letter grade.  
CMI 1065  Faith Formation and Community  (3 Units)  

Students will be introduced to the church as a formational community for discipleship. The roles and offices of all members of the Christian church will be defined and seen as working together as the body of Christ. The classical Christian spiritual disciplines will be practiced and studied as a means of grace. A method of theological reflection for ministry will be outlined and implemented.

Letter grade.  
CMI 3000  Preaching  (3 Units)  

Students develop skills for preparing and proclaiming God's good news through the form of the sermon by engaging in biblical interpretation, theological reflection, and faithful communication.

Letter grade.  
Prerequisite(s): CMI 1065  
Fee: Course fee applies. See "Special Fees" in Financing a PLNU Education.  
CMI 3025  Christian Care of Souls  (3 Units)  

What is Christian Care? What did the early church mean by the "care of souls"? This course will explore the intersection between discipleship and pastoral care and its relation to and divergence from psychological counseling. Emphasis will be given to multi-generational and congregationally-based ways for spiritual nurture and care of individuals and families in need. Special attention will be given to spiritual direction and lay-led ministries.

Letter grade.  
Prerequisite(s): CMI 1065  
CMI 3040  Foundations for the Practice of Youth Ministry  (3 Units)  

Students will explore approaches to the discipleship ministries for youth in the local church and parachurch organizations.

Letter grade.  
Fee: Course fee applies. See "Special Fees" in Financing a PLNU Education.  
CMI 3045  Enacting Worship  (3 Units)  

How do good theology, sound scriptural understanding, and sustaining pastoral care become enacted by a local congregation in weekly worship? This course will allow students to design and lead worship following specified themes and liturgical patterns in a classroom setting with regular feedback.

Letter grade.  
Prerequisite(s): CMI 1065 and CMI 4000 or consent of instructor.  
CMI 3050  Church as a Witness to the World  (3 Units)  

What is the nature and mission of the church? The course explores biblical assumptions of missional theology and the social and contextual issues of a local congregation as they relate to evangelism, missions, social witness, and justice making.

Letter grade.  
Prerequisite(s): CMI 1065  
Fee: Course fee applies. See "Special Fees" in Financing a PLNU Education.  
CMI 3060  Teaching for Christian Discipleship  (3 Units)  

The course explores Christian discipleship through the lifespan teaching ministry of the Church. A central component of the course is the development of pedagogical practices for teaching and leading small groups and Bible studies.

Letter grade.  
CMI 4000  The Christian Gathering: Scripture, Baptism, and Eucharist  (3 Units)  

The most fundamental practice of the Christian tradition, from Jesus and the twelve, involves gathering in a particular spatial location. This course will examine two traditions of gathering: the Ministry of the Word and the Ministry of the Table. The course will examine varied worship traditions arising out of the different understandings and historic periods of the church. The course will emphasize the different manifestations of historical Christian practices like the church year, baptism, funerals, and the Lord's Supper and how to oversee these practices in alternative traditions.

Letter grade.  
Prerequisite(s): CMI 1065  
CMI 4010  Leading in Ministry  (3 Units)  

How do Christians lead and equip others to further God's purposes? Attention is given to administration, team building, conflict resolution, and a biblical understanding of gifts, ministry roles and functions. The course also examines the pressures of ministry and the changing structures and forms of the church in American society.

Letter grade.  
Prerequisite(s): CMI 1065  
CMI 4015  The Church of the Nazarene: History and Polity  (3 Units)  

Who are the Nazarenes? This course will identify the formative influences of the Methodist societies in 18th Century England and the distinct ways the Methodist way of life was adapted in Colonial America and gave rise to the 19th Century American Holiness Movement and the Church of the Nazarene. Attention will be given to the organization and ministry of the local, district and general church as articulated in the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene.

Letter grade.  
Prerequisite(s): CMI 1065  
CMI 4020  Compassionate Ministry in Local Context  (3 Units)  

Students will be immersed and examine how the church worships and engages in works of mercy and devotion in a community-based intercultural context. Students will learn how to analyze congregational and community demographics, understand sociological dynamics and employ theological reflection in ministry. The course will examine the difference between non-profit ministry structures and congregationally-based, direct-action approaches to local ministry.

Letter grade.  
Prerequisite(s): CMI 1065  
Fee: Course fee applies. See "Special Fees" in Financing a PLNU Education.  
CMI 4025  Youth and Family Ministry  (3 Units)  

The course examines how congregations teach and develop shared practices of intergenerational discipleship of children, youth, and adults together for mutual spiritual growth and development across all ages.

Letter grade.  
Prerequisite(s): CMI 1065  
CMI 4050  Internship  (1-3 Units)  

Supervised on-site ministry to help students integrate theory and classroom experience with the practice of ministry.

May be repeated up to a total of six (6) units. Credit/No Credit.  
Prerequisite(s): BIB 1001 or BIB 1002 and CMI 1065 and consent of instructor.  
"C" Designation is for California Internships. "E" Designation is for Out of State Internships.  
CMI 4090  Special Studies in Christian Ministry  (1-3 Units)  

An investigation of a topic in Christian ministries not otherwise covered in the curriculum.

May be repeated up to a total of nine (9) units.  
Prerequisite(s): Consent of the dean of the School of Theology and Christian Ministry