Academic Catalog 2023-2024

Christian Studies Minor

Lower-Division Requirements
BIB 2040Reading Scripture Faithfully3
CMI 1065Faith Formation and Community3
THE 2050Introduction to Christian Theology3
Upper-Division Requirements
Choose four (4) courses from the following:12
Old Testament Psalms and Wisdom Literature: Worship and Wisdom in a World of Suffering and Injustice
Jesus and the Gospels: Four Portraits of One Christ
The Letters of Paul: Faith, Hope, and Love Across Distance and Difference
Old Testament Prophets and the Holy Imagination: Power, Gender, Justice, and Economics
Special Studies in Bible
Christian Care of Souls
Foundations for the Practice of Youth Ministry
Enacting Worship
Church as a Witness to the World
The Christian Gathering: Scripture, Baptism, and Eucharist
Leading in Ministry
The Church of the Nazarene: History and Polity
Compassionate Ministry in Local Context
Youth and Family Ministry
Special Studies in Christian Ministry
Logic and Reasoning
Plato and Aristotle
Descartes Through Hegel
Justice, Politics, and the Social World
Existential Philosophy and Literature
Philosophy and Art
Philosophy and the Sciences
Education and the Ethical Life
Philosophy in Film
Ethics, Responsibility, and Love
Christian Faith and the Natural Sciences (FE)
The World's Faith Traditions
Christ and the Church
Total Units21