Academic Catalog 2023-2024

Graduate and Professional Studies Community Expectations

Point Loma Nazarene University recognizes each graduate and professional student as an adult member of the PLNU graduate learning community. While the university understands that students come from a broad range of faith or values traditions which shape their behavior away from the PLNU graduate and professional learning community, each graduate and professional student is expected to abide by the academic policies and the behavior expectations of the PLNU graduate and professional  learning community during:

  • Attendance in traditional or online classes;
  • Activities sponsored, authorized or resulting from status at Point Loma (internships, site visits, etc), as well as
  • Activities resulting from our educational and business partnerships.

The community behavior expectations, drawn from our Wesleyan faith and social tradition, are expressed within the context of four broad community values:

  1. Integrity in personal conduct;
  2. Civility in all communications;
  3. Abstinence from drugs, alcohol and all forms of tobacco; and
  4. Respect for self, others, and for university property.

Students who violate university behavioral standards may be subject to responses ranging from a caution placed in the student file to expulsion from the university, depending on the severity and history of violation.

Integrity in Personal Conduct

Students should demonstrate personal integrity and integrity in adherence to university standards and values.

  • Demonstrate Academic Honesty

Academic Honesty

The Point Loma Nazarene University community holds the highest standards of honesty and integrity in all aspects of university life. Any violation of the university’s commitment is a serious affront to the very nature of Point Loma’s mission and purpose.

Violations of academic honesty include cheating, plagiarism, falsification, identity fraud, aiding academic dishonesty, and malicious interference.

Cheating is the use of unauthorized assistance that results in an unfair advantage over other students. It includes but is not limited to: bringing and/or using unauthorized notes, technology or other study aids during an examination; looking at other students’ work during an exam or in an assignment where collaboration is not allowed; attempting to communicate with other students in order to get help during an exam or in an assignment where collaboration is not allowed; obtaining an examination prior to its administration; allowing another person to do one’s work and submitting it as one’s own; submitting work done in one class for credit in another without the instructor’s permission.

Plagiarism is the use of an idea, phrase, or other materials from a source without proper acknowledgment of that source. It includes but is not limited to: the use of an idea, phrase, or other materials from a source without proper acknowledgment of that specific source in a work for which the student claims authorship; the misrepresentation and/or use of sources used in a work for which the student claims authorship; the use of papers purchased online as all or part of an assignment for which the student claims authorship; submitting written work, such as laboratory reports, computer programs, or papers, which have been copied from the work of other students, with or without their knowledge and consent.

Artificial Intelligence Use1 PLNU acknowledges the potential benefits of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools for learning purposes, such as generating ideas, enhancing critical thinking, refining arguments, and aiding research and writing. Students are to consult their syllabus and instructor for the specific course policy regarding AI tool use. It is important to note that using AI-generated content without proper authorization or attribution constitutes plagiarism (see above). If utilizing AI-generated content as a resource for an assignment, students must provide proper acknowledgement of the AI tool and cite the platform used. Furthermore, students should exercise caution regarding potential misinformation or inaccuracies that may arise from using AI.

Falsification is the alteration of information or forging of signatures on academic forms or documents. It includes but is not limited to: using improper methods of collecting or generating data and presenting them as legitimate; altering graded work and submitting it for re-grading; falsifying information on official academic documents such as drop/add forms, incomplete forms, petitions, recommendations, letters of permission, transcripts or any other university document; misrepresenting oneself or one’s status in the university.

Academic identity fraud is the act of allowing a person to impersonate the registered student, by doing the academic work and by submitting it as if it were the work of the registered person. This encompasses both face to face and online environments. It includes, but is not limited to: having another person complete a course assignment, take an examination, respond to discussion board questions, or complete any kind of academic exercise on behalf of the registered student. In such cases, it may be considered collusion to commit fraud on the part of both parties.

Aiding academic dishonesty is assisting another person in violating the standards of academic honesty. It includes but is not limited to: allowing other students to look at one’s own work during an exam or in an assignment where collaboration is not allowed; providing information, material, or assistance to another person knowing that it may be used in violation of academic honesty policies; providing false information in connection with any academic honesty inquiry.

Malicious intent is misuse of academic resources or interference with the legitimate academic work of other students. It includes but is not limited to: removing books, journals, or pages of these from the library without formal checkout; hiding library materials; refusing to return reserve readings to the library; damaging or destroying the projects, lab, studio work or other academic product of fellow students.

A student remains responsible for the academic honesty of work submitted in PLNU courses and the consequences of academic dishonesty beyond receipt of the final grade in the class and beyond the awarding of the diploma. Ignorance of these catalog policies will not be considered a valid excuse or defense. Students may not withdraw from a course as a response to a consequence.

Response Procedure for First Offense

The following response procedure must be used by faculty or administrators who discover a violation of academic honesty in current or previous courses.

  1. Fact-Finding: The instructor or administrator should attempt to speak or otherwise communicate informally with the student as the first step.
  2. Internal Communications: The instructor must inform in writing the academic unit leader and dean (who oversees the instructor and course in which the violation occurred) about the violation. The dean must then contact the Vice Provost for Academic Administration and inquire whether the student engaged in any prior incidents of academic dishonesty. If so, the instructor and academic unit leader should follow the process outlined below under Repeat Offense(s). Otherwise, continue to follow the first offense response procedure.
  3. Notice of Decision to Student: Once the violation is discovered, the instructor will send a written communication to the student regarding the incident and the consequences. Instructors can give students a lower grade (including an “F”) on a specific assignment or a lower grade (including an “F”) in the course as a consequence of a violation of academic honesty. The written communication should inform the student of the right to appeal and provide a link to the appeal procedure from the appropriate catalog. The communication should also inform the student that (i) a repeated violation of academic honesty may result in probation, suspension, administrative withdrawal or expulsion from the university, and/or (ii) depending on the gravity of the offense, a first violation of academic honesty may also result in probation, suspension, administrative withdrawal or expulsion from the university, in the discretion of the Vice Provost for Academic Administration (see No. 5 below). In cases of academic identity fraud, the violation(s) could be interpreted as a criminal offense and could result in criminal charges as well as administrative withdrawal from Point Loma Nazarene University.
  4. Notice to PLNU Administration: The instructor must send in writing a report of the incident to the academic unit leader, dean, and the Vice Provost for Academic Administration. The report should include a description of the violation, the evidence of the violation, and the action taken. Additionally, the Academic Dean must notify GPS Student Financial Services of any interruption in course attendance/participation. The official record of the incident and any appeals is maintained by the Office of the Vice Provost of Academic Administration.
  5. Further Action: Upon receiving notice from the instructor of a violation of academic honesty, the Vice Provost for Academic Administration may, at their discretion, based on the gravity of the offense and its surrounding circumstances, determine to impose additional consequences on the student, including without limitation probation, suspension, administrative withdrawal or expulsion from the university. If the Vice Provost for Academic Administration takes such further action, they shall notify the student in writing within two (2) business days of receiving the instructor’s decision.

Appeal Procedure

The following appeal procedure must be used by a student who wishes to appeal consequences associated with a finding of academic dishonesty.

Appeals must address at least one of the following grounds:

  • A procedural error or omission occurred that significantly impacted the outcome of the student conduct process (e.g., substantiated bias, material deviation from established policy or procedures).
  • The discovery of new evidence which is demonstrated to have been unknown or unavailable after reasonable diligence during the underlying student conduct process that could substantially impact the original finding or consequence. A summary of this new evidence, explanation of how and why it was unknown or unavailable before, and its potential impact must be included in in the appeal.
  • Why the resulting sanction(s) are unfair or arbitrary. Note that the appeal must be in regard to the stated standards and not due to professional judgment.

The written letter of appeal must specifically address at least one of the grounds for appeal noted above.

Note that some violations may be considered ineligible for appeal, in the discretion of the Vice Provost for Academic Administration. Such violations could include without limitation those that involve or impact the health, safety, or security of any member of the PLNU community.

  1. Written Appeal to School or College Dean: The student should present an appeal of the penalty in writing within ten (10) business days of receiving the instructor’s or Vice Provost for Academic Administration’s decision, whichever is later, including all documents and evidence supporting the appeal, to the Vice Provost for Academic Administration who will send the appeal to any two uninvolved school or college deans. The deans will review the appeal and send a written ruling to the student, instructor, and Vice Provost for Academic Administration. The Provost will make a final decision in cases where there is a split vote. The appeal decision reached by the deans is final.

Response Procedure for Repeated Offense(s)

The following response procedure, after completing Items 1 and 2 from the First Offense Response Procedure as noted above, must be used by faculty or administrators who discover a repeated offense of a violation of academic honesty in current or previous courses.

  1. Initial Notice to Student: If a prior offense of academic dishonesty has been noted, the school or college dean must notify the student in writing that such prior offense(s) will be included and evaluated by the dean when considering the consequence that should be imposed with respect to the current offense.
  2. Evaluation: The school or college dean must consult with the instructor about the current incident of academic dishonesty and the instructor’s recommendations regarding the consequences for the current violation. The school or college dean may also, at their discretion, consult with the Vice Provost of Academic Administration or others in order to evaluate the current incident and any prior offenses of academic dishonesty committed by the student. Depending upon the gravity of the incident or pattern of incidents of academic honesty violations and the circumstances surrounding the current and prior offenses of academic dishonesty, such consequences may include, without limitation, probation, suspension administrative withdrawal or expulsion from the university. In cases of academic identity fraud, the violation(s) could be interpreted as a criminal offense and could result in criminal charges as well as administrative withdrawal from Point Loma Nazarene University.
  3. Notice of Decision to Student: The school or college dean will communicate their decision and the consequences in writing to the student. The written communication should inform the student of the right to appeal and provide a link to the appeal procedure from the appropriate catalog. Additionally, the Academic Dean must notify GPS Student Financial Services of any interruption in course attendance/participation.

Appeal Procedure

The following appeal procedure must be used by a student who wishes to appeal consequences associated with a finding of a repeated offense(s) of academic dishonesty.

Appeals must address at least one of the following grounds:

  • A procedural error or omission occurred that significantly impacted the outcome of the student conduct process (e.g., substantiated bias, material deviation from established policy or procedures).
  • The discovery of new evidence which is demonstrated to have been unknown or unavailable after reasonable diligence during the underlying student conduct process that could substantially impact the original finding or consequence. A summary of this new evidence, explanation of how and why it was unknown or unavailable before, and its potential impact must be included in in the appeal.
  • Why the resulting sanction(s) are unfair or arbitrary. Note that the appeal must be in regard to the stated standards and not due to professional judgment.

Note that some violations may be considered ineligible for appeal, in the discretion of the Vice Provost for Academic Administration. Such violations could include without limitation those that involve or impact the health, safety, or security of any member of the PLNU community.

  1. Written Appeal to Neutral Dean: The student should submit to the Vice Provost for Academic Administration a written appeal of the dean’s decision including all document and evidence supporting the appeal within ten (10) business days of receiving the dean’s decision. The Vice Provost for Academic Administration will select a neutral academic dean to review the appeal. This dean will send a written notice of the decision on the appeal to the student, instructor, original dean, and Vice Provost for Academic Administration.
  2. Administrative Committee: If the student isn’t satisfied with the dean’s decision from Step 1 above, the student may submit a further written appeal including all documents and evidence supporting the appeal, to the Vice Provost for Academic Administration within ten (10) business days of receiving the dean’s decision on the appeal. The Vice Provost for Academic Administration will distribute the appeal to an administrative committee comprising an uninvolved dean, a member of the Graduate and Extended Studies Committee appointed by the Provost, and the Vice Provost for Academic Administration or designee. The appeal decision reached by this committee is final.

Artificial Intelligence Use Guidance created with assistance from Los Angeles Pacific University.

  • Encourage Adherence to Community Values
    • No student should condone, enable or assist another student or staff member to violate PLNU graduate learning community expectations. All students share responsibility when a community standard is violated.
  • Cooperate with University Officials
    • Students are expected to comply with all lawful requests of any university official, including requests to see Student ID, and to respond truthfully to any questions posted by university officials. PLNU requires that all students be able to show proof of current student status (Student ID) upon request by officials of a university official; specifically university staff and faculty, public safety personnel and resident assistants. The ID remains the property of the university.
    • Students are expected to comply with all communicated health guidelines. Failure to do so will be considered a violation of the Graduate and Professional Studies Student Handbook and can result in student conduct sanctions up to and including removal from the classroom or suspension. These sanctions will be communicated by the Vice Provost for Academic Administration. 
  • Maintain Accurate Academic and Financial Records
    • Students must not alter, aid, abet or assist in the alteration of any official university record, including but not limited to academic transcripts, ID cards, faculty recommendations. A student who deliberately writes "bad checks" (insufficient funds) or commits a forgery will be subject to student conduct and/or legal action.
  • Dress Professionally and in Keeping With University Ethos
    • The PLNU community affirms that the appearance of students should be consistent with an environment of professionalism and respect for the faith tradition of the university. Simplicity, modesty and professionalism are values that should be reflected in personal appearance for all university-related experiences. Common sense and personal discretion by the members of the community are essential.

Civility in All Communications

Students should use communications appropriately and treat each other, faculty and staff with respect in all university-related interactions.

  • Use Official Communication Channels
    • The university's official mode of communicating with students is each student's personal e-mail address. Students are required to monitor this address regularly for official communications.
  • Speak and Use Media Responsibly
    • Vulgar, foul, obscene, profane or threatening language are not to be tolerated in any university-related venue.
    • Communications by PLNU students in print, broadcast, social or other public media which reference PLNU in ways counter to our mission and core values or which demonstrate an unsatisfactory level of professionalism, maturity and integrity are also not to be tolerated.
    • Pornographic materials or media (i.e. music, images, video), obscene literature and pictures are also not to be tolerated. All films (other than those shown in a classroom situation) shown by groups or individuals under the sponsorship or on the campus of Point Loma Nazarene University must have prior approval from their program director or designee.
    • The university agrees that the right to dissent is essential to the maintenance of academic freedom in the university. However, dissent or protest against a particular position, action or situation can be permitted only when such protest does not restrict the freedom of thought and movement of others who hold different views. Those who dissent, particularly in an academic community, should be willing to permit the free expression of ideas and positions other than their own, and in a manner consistent with the university's mission. Attempts by unauthorized persons to counter such protests will not be condoned. Anyone who engages in any form of protest which impedes or obstructs others in the exercise of their freedom, or which interferes with the orderly procedures and activities of the university or is destructive, may be subject to student conduct and/or legal action.
  • Social Media Use Responsibility
    • For the purposes of this policy, "social media" encompasses all forms of communicating or posting information or content of any sort on the Internet, such as communication posts, or other activity on your own or someone else's social media profile (including, but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, etc.), an online blog, any personal website, an online bulletin board or chat room, or any other electronic medium including PLNU's app, myPLNU.
    • Because of the public nature of social media, messages and content can be easily viewed and shared with a wider audience beyond current fans and followers. Students should be aware of the potential for their social media messages and content to be interpreted by this new audience in a way that was not originally intended. Students are strongly encouraged to consider the ramifications and consequences of their messages and content before posting. As social media becomes increasingly entrenched in our everyday lives, the issues around what we can and cannot say on social media are subject to conversation among us. At PLNU, we are committed to having this ongoing conversation.
    • The University may review content shared by students on social media to identify material that is unlawful or otherwise has the potential to disrupt student learning or other campus operations, as defined in this Policy under "Prohibited Conduct."
    • Prohibited Conduct includes:
      • The use of social media involving the use of PLNU technology resources in a manner inconsistent with the policies and procedures applicable to such use, including a PLNU email account, PLNU electronic media (including official University, departmental, and student organization social media pages and accounts), myPLNU, and official PLNU websites.​
      • The use of social media involving a true threat, which occurs where the speaker communicates a serious expression of an intent to commit an act of unlawful violence to a particular individual or group of individuals, such as threatening to assault an individual or group, or other conduct that substantially disrupts another's work performance or the University's ability to execute its mission.
      • The use of social media involving statements directed to inciting or producing imminent violations of law under circumstances such that the statements are likely to actually and imminently incite or produce violations of law or are in violation of other University policies.
      • The use of social media involving the publication or posting of materials, including comments or conduct constituting discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or other conduct prohibited by the University's policies or state/federal law.
      • The use of social media to cause a material and unreasonable interference with the education, research, public service, and outreach missions of the University. In determining whether conduct meets this standard, the University will consider evidence that the conduct is (a) unconnected to any legitimate educational purpose and (b) made with the purpose and effect of causing a material disruption of an individual's participation in the University's educational program and activities.
      • The use of social media in a way that violates the PLNU conduct policies or any established and published standards of professionalism for a student defined as: any department, program, course, instructor, classroom, or club/organization rules, standards, or expectations addressing ethical and professional conduct standards of a student's prospective/current profession and/or affiliation, as set forth on the University's website, in a course syllabus, in student/club/organization handbooks/expectations, or in other materials distributed or communicated to students by the University (which rules, standards, or expectations may be more restrictive than the standard University student policies).
    • The university reserves the right to restrict the use of its computer facilities and limit access to its networks when faced with evidence of violations of university policies or standards, of contractual obligations, or of federal, state, or local laws. The university has the right to remove or limit access to material posted on or transmitted by its computers. By connecting to the campus network, the user agrees to the terms and conditions of this Acceptable Use Policy.
      • Sanctions imposed as a result of violations of this Acceptable Use Policy may include, but are not limited to the following:
        • Network resource suspension or termination;
        • Suspension or termination from the university;
        • Monetary reimbursement to the university or other appropriate sources;
        • Prosecution under applicable civil and/or criminal laws.
    • Information Technology Services maintains the PLNU networks and monitors network traffic in accord with university, local, state, and federal laws and regulations.
  • Respect and Follow Copyright Policy
    • Point Loma Nazarene University (PLNU) respects the intellectual property rights of others and makes every attempt to uphold all copyright laws.
    • PLNU does not tolerate the willful violation of copyright laws by any staff, faculty, student, or affiliate of PLNU. Violation of copyright laws may result in disciplinary action for employees and students of PLNU and, where such violations are a crime under federal law, may be prosecuted.
    • All parties submitting material on PLNU premises, property, virtual property, official PLNU website, internal portal, third party portals contracted with PLNU (such as iTunes U), myPLNU app, and published material, also known collectively as PLNU venues, are required to comply with all copyright laws.
    • Individuals uploading or acquiring material posted or authenticated on PLNU venues agree to hold PLNU harmless for any errors created to indemnify PLNU for any damages that result from the acquisition of said material. Material or content in third party web pages linked to official PLNU web pages are not under the control of PLNU and therefore are not governed by PLNU's copyright policies. PLNU is not responsible for content and material on third party web pages.
    • The intent of this copyright policy is to provide PLNU staff, faculty, students, and affiliates of PLNU basic information regarding copyright compliance and PLNU's position relative to copyright laws.
    • Please refer questions about copyright laws and related issues to the Director of Ryan Library.

Abstinence from Drugs, Alcohol, and All Forms of Tobacco

Students should abstain from use of any non--prescription drug, alcohol, and all forms of tobacco or electronic smoking products during any university-related activity.

  • Abstain from Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco
    • The university expectation of abstinence arises out of its commitment to student academic success and health as well as the historic commitment of its sponsoring denomination to marginalized people. One of the major impediments to student success in higher education is alcohol. Students who drink alcohol have been found to have lower grades, lower rates of retention to the institution, and are less likely to graduate than students who do not. Elements of that policy follow:
      • The substance policy applies to graduate and professional students when they are on campus and in all other university-connected activities away from campus (internships, site visits, etc).
      • The university requires that students abstain from the use or possession of alcoholic beverages, use or possession of marijuana and other illegal drugs, use or possession of tobacco and smoking products and/or electronic smoking devices during any university-connected activities. The university does not recognize the validity of "medical" marijuana.
      • A student who uses or who is in possession of alcohol, smoking tobacco products, or illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia is in violation of university policy and subject to disciplinary action.
      • A student's refusal to test for alcohol or illegal drugs while on campus property or engaged in university activity will be interpreted as an admission of guilt and is subject to disciplinary action.

Respect for Self, Others, and for University and Personal Property

Students should demonstrate respect for people and property during all university-related activities.

  • Treat Other Students, Faculty and Staff with Respect
    • A supportive community cannot exist where threats occur or where people fear injury or harm. Therefore, activities that endanger the lives or safety of any student or other individual, threats of violence or violence against persons or other instances of disturbing the peace during any university-related activity will result in immediate removal from university property and from the university.
  • Treat University and Personal Property with Respect
    • Students must not destroy or deface university property or the property of others, and must not remove university or personal property without permission.
      • The possession of, sale of, or firing of fireworks, firecrackers, explosives (including, but not limited to, pipe bombs, dry ice bombs, and other such homemade devices), guns of any kind including recreational firearms and other items of similar nature is prohibited by PLNU and by city, county and state law.
      • Public Safety requires that fire‐extinguishing equipment, fire alarms, smoke detectors and any other emergency equipment be kept only for authorized use. The law prohibits any other use.
      • Entering into any university building, facility or area without authorization is prohibited.
      • The possession of keys by students, or the making of duplicate keys to campus properties without being specifically issued by authorized campus personnel, is prohibited.
      • Unauthorized presence on or improper use of, any Point Loma Nazarene University property is prohibited. This includes the unauthorized use of university facilities (i.e., private parties, misuse of student lounge areas, unauthorized solicitation or distribution of advertising materials on university property). It also includes an individual's presence in an area from which he or she has previously been banned.
      • Disposing of refuse of any kind on university property except in the appropriate receptacles provided, is prohibited.
  • Observe the Student Vehicle and Parking Policy
    • The Department of Public Safety is responsible for the enforcement of all parking and traffic regulations on the Point Loma campus and has the authority to issue citations. Regulations are contained in full in the University Vehicle Code (UVC), which is maintained by the Department of Public Safety and made available in its office and on its web site.
    • The UVC requires that all vehicles operated by students enrolled in courses at the Point Loma campus be registered with DPS and that all drivers obey posted road signs and traffic rules, in accordance with both the UVC and California Vehicle Code. Students who are enrolled only in courses at our Bakersfield Regional Center campus are not required to register their vehicle.
    • Students who are not enrolled at the Point Loma campus but have business to conduct there, are considered visitors and must obtain a visitor parking permit upon arrival as outlined in the UVC.
    • Owners who wish to leave a vehicle at either the Point Loma or Mission Valley campus during ANY academic break, even for university-sponsored travel, must get approval from the Department of Public Safety in advance. All vehicles, bicycles, trailers, etc. left on either campus without written approval from the Director of Public Safety will be subject to being towed at the owner's expense.
    • Storage of vehicles at any other PLNU campus (Bakersfield, Liberty Station) is governed by the rules and regulations of the property as set forth by property management.
    • When parking at an educational or business partnership site, students must abide by PLNU vehicle and parking policy as well as abiding by the policy of the partner site.
    • When parking on community college partner sites, check with your program advisor or student success counselor to ensure that you have the proper parking pass visible to avoid being ticketed.

Conduct Process

The Graduate Student Behavior Expectations standards contained in the Graduate and Professional Studies Student Handbook are applicable to all PLNU graduate and professional students during attendance in traditional or online classes or at any other activities sponsored, authorized or resulting from status at Point Loma (internships, site visits, etc.), and in educational or corporate partnerships.

When a student behavior issue arises in a particular PLNU graduate or adult undergraduate program, the faculty or program director should first attempt to resolve the issue with the student. If unsuccessful, the program director or designee should convene an ad hoc program student behavior committee consisting of two Graduate and Professional Studies faculty not associated with the behavior and the program director or designee to carry out the following steps:

  1. Notifying the Vice Provost for Academic Administration before initiating a conduct process;
  2. Informing the student officially of the alleged violations of university policy and the steps in the procedure;
  3. Offering the student a fair and reasonable opportunity for explanation;
  4. Evaluating the evidence presented;
  5. Communicating to the student the appropriate consequence for the action and whether it is a final decision or subject to appeal; and
  6. Providing an avenue of appeal, when previously indicated.

Depending on the nature and number of incidents, academic misbehavior can result in a warning letter, behavioral probation or a suspension or expulsion from the program. Not all cases will follow the preceding escalation and may, with Vice Provost approval, necessitate university action without convening a student behavior committee. 

In cases of alleged sexual discrimination including sexual harassment, sexual violence, sexual exploitation, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking, the Title IX coordinator will determine if the alleged conduct meets the threshold of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq., as updated in May 2020, the  protocols outlined in the Title IX Policy will be used and can be found at If the Title IX Coordinator determines that it does not meet the Title IX threshold, the Student Conduct process will be used. In addition: 

  • The investigation and adjudication of the alleged misconduct is not an adversarial process between the complainant and the respondent and the witnesses, but rather a process for the university to comply with obligations under existing law. The complainant does not have the burden to prove, nor does the respondent have the burden to disprove, the underlying allegation or allegations of the misconduct.
  • Persons responsible for conducting investigations, finding facts, and making disciplinary decisions receive annual training on issues specifically related to the above violations which includes impact of trauma, how to remain neutral and impractical and on how to conduct proceedings that protect victim safety and promote accountability.
  • Student parties will be given an opportunity to identify witnesses and other evidence to assist the University in determining if a policy violation has occurred, and shall be informed that any evidence available but not disclosed during the investigation might not be considered at a subsequent hearing.
  • The investigator or decision maker shall not consider the past sexual or dating history of the complainant or respondent except in limited circumstances as outlined in SB493. Before allowing the consideration of these items, the investigator or decision maker shall provide a written explanation to the parties as to why consideration is being given.
  • The University will decide whether or not a hearing is necessary to determine whether any sexual violence more likely than not occurred. In making this decision, the University may consider whether the parties selected to participate in the investigation and whether each party had the opportunity to suggest questions to be asked of the other party or witnesses, or both, during the investigation.
  • Both the reporting party and responding party are entitled to the same opportunities to have others present during proceedings, including the opportunity to be accompanied to any related meeting or proceeding by an advisor of their choice.
  • Findings will be based upon a preponderance of evidence, a finding that something is "more likely than not."
  • Both the reporting party and responding party will be simultaneously informed in writing of the outcome of the proceedings, the procedures to appeal the results, any subsequent change to the results before they become final, and when such results become final.

At any time, the University may impose such penalties as it concludes are appropriate, ranging from warning to expulsion. Additionally, the University reserves the right to deny re-enrollment to any student if such action is deemed to be in the best interests of the University or the student.

Victim Disclosure Policy

The University will disclose in writing to the reporting party of sexual discrimination including sexual harassment, sexual violence, sexual exploitation, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking the outcome of any proceedings conducted by the University against the student who is the reporting party of the crime or offense, as well as the procedures to appeal the results, any subsequent change to the results before they become final, and when such results become final. In cases of an alleged violent crime other than sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking, the University will disclose the outcome to the reporting party upon written request. If the reporting party is deceased as a result of the crime or offense, the University will provide the results to the victim's next of kin, if so requested.

Leave of Absence

Voluntary Leave of Absence and Medical Withdrawal

Currently enrolled full-time students, or three-quarter-time for Adult Undergraduate students, in good academic/conduct standing may apply for a one semester Leave of Absence from their program of study. A "Leave of Absence" is when a student is still enrolled in the university during their leave or time away from the university, and where the student does not need to reapply for admission into the university when they want to return to the university. The maximum Leave of Absence allowed is one academic term, not to exceed 180 days in any 12 month period. Students receiving financial aid will continue to be considered "in-school status" only for institutional aid. Students receiving federal or state financial aid will not be considered "in-school status" for Title IV loan repayment purposes.

Students who wish to apply for a Leave of Absence form should obtain an application from their Student Success Counselor, Program Director, or the Office of Records. The application must be signed by the university officers indicated, a length of leave proposed, and the application returned as indicated. Any courses proposed to be taken for credit during an approved Leave of Absence must have prior written approval. Upon return to campus, students must schedule an appointment with their Student Success Counselor or academic advisor. Also upon return, students are subject to availability of course offerings and course sequencing. 

The completed Leave of Absence form is filed either with the Student Success Counselor or with the Office of Records. Failure to return to campus and resume taking courses following the approved Leave of Absence period will result in an administrative withdrawal from the university as of the start date of the Leave of Absence. This withdrawal may also have financial aid implications, such as the expiration of a loan's grace period which may cause a student loan to immediately be in repayment, and may affect a student's eligibility for further financial aid.

  • Filing Dates: Current students must file for a Leave of Absence by the end of the tenth week of the semester, for the following semester.
  • Notification Dates: A decision regarding a Leave of Absence application will be communicated by the end of the last week of classes via university email.

Point Loma Nazarene University cares for its students. Therefore, when medical situations arise that impede the ability of the student to function in relation to academics and/or community, professional staff will work with the student and the student's medical providers and family members to assess whether the student should be granted a voluntary medical withdrawal or Leave of Absence. A "withdrawal" is when a student is no longer enrolled in the university during their withdrawal or time away from the university, and where the student needs to reapply for admission into the university when they want to return to the university. Voluntary medical withdrawal and leave procedures are intended to assist in developing support systems, simplify re-entry into the university, and provide structure during a stressful event.

Students who take a voluntary medical withdrawal and who receive financial aid will no longer be considered "in school status" for institutional aid. Students who take a voluntary medical withdrawal and who receive federal or state financial aid will not be considered "in-school status" for Title IV loan repayment purposes. Upon return to campus, students are subject to availability of course offerings and course sequencing. 

The Vice Provost of Graduate and Professional Studies Operations, in consultation with other university officials, is responsible for the administration of this policy.

Involuntary Medical Withdrawal, Leave of Absence or Safety Interventions

When necessary to maintain a safe and healthy campus environment, the university may impose safety interventions or require a student to be placed on an involuntary medical withdrawal or leave of absence. The university has established a Safety Intervention Policy that describes the criteria and process the university will use before making such decisions that limit the student's access to programs and activities.   

When presented with credible information that a student has engaged or threatened to engage in behavior that poses, or may reasonably pose, a significant risk to the health or safety of individuals or to the university community, the university will conduct an individualized risk assessment to make a determination about the student's continued participation in academic and extracurricular programs and activities. Depending on the nature and immediacy of the risk, the university may take interim action, including temporarily removing the student or restricting the student's access to some or all of the university's campuses, housing, resources, services, or other activities. Initial actions may also include contacting law enforcement officials and a student's parents/guardians.

Throughout the risk assessment process, the student will be provided with opportunities to participate and provide information relevant to the question of whether the student poses a significant risk of harm. The student may be required to submit medical information from treating licensed health care providers and/or undergo an independent medical assessment. In conducting the risk assessment, the university will consider whether there are any reasonable accommodations or other mitigating measures that would allow the student to remain enrolled and safely continue to participate in some or all campus activities. 

The risk assessment process may result in no limitation on a student's access to programs or activities. The process may also result in the student agreeing to take a voluntary leave of absence or withdrawal or comply with other measures to reduce the risk of harm. In situations where the university determines the student poses a substantial safety risk and a voluntary agreement is not reached, the university may determine that a safety intervention or involuntary leave of absence or withdrawal is necessary to prevent harm to the health and safety of individuals or of the university community. Safety interventions may include, but are not limited to, housing relocation, compliance with a behavioral contract, reduced course load, other academic adjustments, consultations with licensed health care providers, compliance with licensed health care provider recommendations and treatment plans, or restrictions on participation in campus programs or activities. 

A student seeking to return to the university after an involuntary withdrawal or leave of absence will be required to demonstrate that the student can participate in the university's programs without posing a threat to the health or safety of individuals or to the university community. The student will also be required to demonstrate that all conditions and requirements for return or readmission have been satisfied. Finally, a student seeking readmission to the university after a withdrawal will be required to demonstrate that the student meets all relevant academic requirements for readmission. If a student is approved to return to the university, students are subject to availability of course offerings and course sequencing. 

Full details about the criteria and process used by the university to conduct a risk assessment, as well as a student's appeal rights, can be found in the Safety Intervention Policy. Questions about the policy can be referred to the Vice Provost of Graduate and Professional Studies Operations.

Student Appeals

Students may appeal using the following steps:

  1. Prepare and submit via e-mail a written appeal to the Vice Provost for Academic Administration ( within ten (10) business days of the decision by the ad hoc program student behavior committee.
  2. In order to be considered, the appeal must include all information, documentation (copies of papers, relevant emails, medical information) and any supporting statements from witnesses.
  3. The Vice Provost for Academic Administration will review the appeal materials submitted by the student, the documents and decision supplied by the ad hoc program student behavior committee, and the relevant university policy.
  4. Once the review is completed, the VPAA will communicate to the student, to the program director and the dean of the school either that the decision of the ad hoc program student behavior committee is being upheld, that it is being modified, or that it is being overturned. If the decision is to expel the student, the communication will indicate whether the student is or is not eligible for readmission and the conditions for application for readmission, if relevant. The decision of the appeal process is final and not subject to further appeal.
  5. A copy of the final decision will be placed in the student's file, and the appropriate academic and student services offices will be notified and given information about steps to be taken as a result of the decision.

Safety Intervention Policy

View the the full text of our Safety Intervention Policy.

Service Animal and Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Policy

Note: ESA provisions do not apply to Graduate or Adult Undergraduate students.

View the full text of our Service Animal and Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Policy.