Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Personal Conduct

The supportive community of PLNU results from each individual consistently demonstrating respect for people and for property.

The following standards represent PLNU's positions regarding select aspects of student behavior. Violation of these standards may be grounds for student conduct action and/or dismissal from the University.

Aiding, Abetting, or Conspiring/Complicity - Being present when another student violates PLNU policy, or enabling or assisting a student to commit a violation. If illegal substances and/or objects are present in a room, all occupants are held responsible.

Bicycling, Skating and Skateboarding

  • Purpose - This policy promotes greater safety on walkways, ramps, steps, and roadways at PLNU and to prevent physical damage to exterior surfaces owned and maintained by the university.
  • Regulation - The use of bicycles, skateboards, and inline skates shall be allowed only as a means of transportation on walkways and roadways at PLNU. Hoverboards are not permitted to be used or brought onto campus. Anyone using a bicycle, skateboard, or inline skates on PLNU property shall give right of way to any pedestrian and shall travel at a reasonable, safe, and prudent speed. Under no circumstances will bicycling, skateboarding, or inline skating be allowed on ramps, curbs, benches, steps, stairs, railings or other such structures. The use of bicycles, skateboards, or inline skates shall not be permitted inside any building.
  • Enforcement - Violators of this policy shall be subject to fines from the Department of Public Safety. Bicycles, skateboards, and inline skates may be impounded and will be returned upon completion of student conduct action.

Bullying - Bullying is prohibited and is defined as:

  • repeated and/or severe aggressive behavior
  • that is likely to intimidate or intentionally hurt, control, or physically or mentally diminish the Complainant,
  • that is not speech or conduct that is otherwise protected by the First Amendment.

Cheating and Dishonesty - Students must be honorable in all of their academic work. Dishonesty in assignments, examinations, or any other academic work is an affront to fellow students and the faculty and will not be tolerated. (You may view the full policy here.)

Dining Hall Entry - During hours of food service, students may enter the Dining Hall solely through its main entrance and only after producing one's personal PLNU student ID card or other form of payment for access to food service.

Disruption, Obstruction, or Interference - Students shall not engage in behavior or conduct that in any way disrupts, obstructs or interferes with the functions, programs or activities, services, or directives of the university, its offices, or its employees (e.g., classes, social, cultural, and athletics events, computing services, registration, housing and food services, meetings, and hearings).  

Dissent - The University upholds and welcomes dialogue in partnership with students when considering protests. Students who engage in protests which impede or obstruct others in the exercise of their freedom, which interferes with the orderly procedures and activities of the University or is destructive, may be subject to student conduct and/or legal action.

Disturbing the Peace and Destruction of Property - Whenever any student, student organization, or group of students, disturbs the peace, destroys, defaces, or removes University property without permission, those involved, including any affiliated organization and its officers, will be held responsible.

Drones - Students are prohibited from operating unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) for personal use in the airspace above campus or in any university building or facility. Administrative approval from the Director of Public Safety is required for any other drone activity. If approved, the drone may only be operated during the daylight and away from buildings, people and animals. The drone must remain in the pilot's field of vision and may not fly over sporting events or near the Greek Amphitheater.

Endangerment is defined as:

  • threatening or causing physical harm;
  • extreme verbal, emotional, or psychological abuse; or
  • other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person or damages their property.

Entertainment - Students are expected to use discretion and good judgment in choosing entertainment that aligns with the university's values and promotes a positive and respectful community environment.

Failure to Comply with University Officials - Students are expected to comply with all lawful requests of any University official, including requests to see Student ID, requests to meet with University officials, and to respond truthfully to any questions posed by University officials.

Films - All films (other than those shown in a classroom situation) shown by groups or individuals under the sponsorship of Point Loma Nazarene University must have prior approval from the event sponsor or an advisor.

Financial Fraud - A student who commits financial fraud, or commits a forgery will be subject to student conduct and/or legal action.

Fire Equipment - Fire-extinguishing equipment, fire alarms, smoke detectors and any other emergency equipment is only for authorized use. The law prohibits any other use.

Firearms, Fireworks/Explosives, and Weapons of Any Kind - The on-campus possession of, sale of, or firing of fireworks, firecrackers, explosives (including, but not limited to, pipe bombs, dry ice bombs, and other such homemade devices), guns of any kind including recreational firearms, knives with a blade longer than 2.5 inches, all folding knives with locking blades and other items of similar nature (e.g., spear fishing equipment, stun guns, and/or tasers) is prohibited by PLNU.

Gambling - Gambling, in any form on campus or at any PLNU sponsored events, is prohibited.

Hammocks - Students may use hammocks and slacklines on campus, with caution. Using any hammock or slackline carries inherent risks. Be careful. Please follow these guidelines.

  • Hammocks and slacklines may only be used outdoors on secure, living trees. The trees may not be damaged in any way, including no cutting of branches, use of screws or nails, etc.
  • For hammock users, the trees should be eight inches or more in diameter (approximately the width of a volleyball). The two points on the tree at which a hammock hangs must be below the height of the user's head.
  • For slack line users, the trees should be eighteen inches or more in diameter. The two points on the tree at which a slackline hangs may be no higher than 30 inches above the ground and no longer than 80 feet. Tree trunks must be protected with padding, blankets, or carpet placed between the tree and the anchor line.
  • The webbing used to hang the hammock or slackline must be nylon and one inch or thicker.
  • Hammocks and slacklines may not be hung in areas that would block walking, driving, or foot traffic.
  • Hammocks and slacklines may not be secured onto PLNU buildings or structures including light poles and signs.
  • Hammocks and slacklines may not be left unattended; if left behind, the hammock may be removed by PLNU staff.

Hazing - Point Loma Nazarene University supports only those activities that are constructive, educational and inspirational, and that contribute to the intellectual and personal development of the students. The University unequivocally opposes any situation intended to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. The University interprets hazing as:

  • any act or action
  • which does or is likely to endanger the mental or physical health or safety of any person
  • as it relates to a person’s initiation or pre-initiation, admission into, or affiliation with any Point Loma Nazarene group or organization.

For the purposes of this definition:

  • It is not necessary that a person’s initiation or continued membership is contingent upon participation in the activity, or that the activity was sanctioned or approved by the student group or student organization, for an allegation of hazing to be upheld.  It also encompasses any activity that is part of that organization’s practices
  • It shall not constitute an excuse or defense to a hazing allegation that the participants took part voluntarily, gave consent to the conduct, voluntarily assumed the risks or hardship of the activity, or that no injury was suffered or sustained.
  • The actions of alumni, active, new, and/or prospective members of a student group or student organization may be considered hazing.
  • Hazing is not confined to the student group or student organization with which the person subjected to the hazing is associated.
  • Any requirements by a member or pledge which compels another member or pledge to participate in any activity that is against University policy, state or federal law, will be defined as hazing

Health and Campus Environment - When a student presents with behaviors of a dysregulated, disordered, or disruptive nature that may create a health or learning risk to any students, the University may require the student be removed from the campus until an assessment of the student has been completed, a plan of support/treatment is developed by University officials, resources for the support/treatment have been reviewed, and a consistent accountability plan has been established.  All conditions of the plan must be met by the student in order to remain enrolled at the University. 

Human Sexuality - Affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene, the theology and practices of the Church guide and influence PLNU policy and practice. Accordingly, we believe that God has provided the context for the full expression of sexual intimacy in the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman. We further believe that outside of this covenant of marriage, the holy life calls for celibacy. Accordingly, students are expected to abstain from sexual intimacy outside of marriage.

We recognize and respect that our students come from a broad spectrum of backgrounds, cultures, countries, beliefs, and identities and strive to welcome and communicate a sense of belonging to them as those created in the image of God. All students, no matter their sexual orientation or gender identity, are welcomed to attend PLNU and will be treated with dignity and respect.  Residential Life housing assignments, use of single gender restrooms, and locker rooms are consistent with one's assigned sex at birth. A student (or potential student) who has questions about this policy are invited to discuss these concerns with the Dean of Student Care who will provide support, care, and assistance in accessing university resources.

As a university founded in the Wesleyan tradition of practicing the “via media” (middle way), PLNU is committed to creating a campus environment where all members feel heard, included, and valued. As a community of learning, we recognize that our discussions and considerations regarding sexuality, both in public and private, must be done with maturity and discernment.

Intimidation as defined as implied threats or acts that cause an unreasonable fear of harm in another, is prohibited.

Littering - Disposing of refuse of any kind on University property except in the appropriate receptacles provided, is prohibited.

Meal Plan Usage - All residential students are required to have a University meal plan which may be utilized solely for personal use - with the exception of a guest meal pass. 

Misrepresentation/Forgery/Falsification of Records - Providing false identification or information to any University officials with an intent to deceive. This also includes the unauthorized use of any Point Loma Nazarene University record or document (such as ID card, meal plan, parking permit, chapel attendance) or instrument of identification. Falsification of any University records or documents is also prohibited.

Obscene Language, Literature, and Music - Vulgar, foul, obscene, or profane language is not to be tolerated on campus at any time. Pornographic materials or media (i.e. music, images, video), obscene literature and pictures are also not to be tolerated.

Personal Appearance - The PLNU community affirms that the appearance of students should be consistent with an environment of vital Christianity. Simplicity and modesty are two values especially relevant to our campus situation. Certainly, for any dress policy to be effective, common sense and personal discretion by the members of the community are essential.

The following guidelines are helpful:

  • Bodily cleanliness and neatness of dress are essential on the part of everyone.
  • Shoes or footwear must be worn in any building, including the visitation lounges of residence halls.
  • Clothing should be appropriate to the occasion and in good taste, reflecting the atmosphere of vital Christianity, which is one of the basic principles of Point Loma Nazarene University. Personal appearance should not disrupt the mood or atmosphere of the activity being attended. Clothing with unwholesome advertising should be avoided.
  • The University employee who is designated as the official in charge of a specific building or facility may set stricter guidelines for appropriate clothing. This includes faculty in the classrooms, residence directors in the residence halls (especially during Open House hours), the Athletic Director in all athletic facilities, and the Chaplain for Chapel.

Proof of Student Status - PLNU requires that all students be able to show proof of current student status (Student ID) upon request by a University official; specifically, University staff and faculty, Public Safety personnel, resident assistants and chapel scanners. The ID remains the property of the University.

Sales/Advertising on Campus - No sales, solicitation, selling "parties" or advertising is permitted on campus without permission of the Student Life and Formation Office.

Setting a Fire/Arson - Lighting a fire on University property without authorization is prohibited. Starting such a fire with the intent of destroying property is arson.

Statement of Impeding - PLNU reserves the right to remove from the residence halls, classrooms, and/or campus any student whose behavior and/or action impedes the success of other students, staff, or faculty.

Student Athletes - Students who are members of a PLNU Intercollegiate athletic team should refer to the Student-Athlete Handbook for guidelines in addition to those published in the Student Handbook.

Student Organizations - The University has a legitimate interest in being assured that all University organizations identify their goals and objectives. All such goals and objectives must be compatible with the mission statement and policies of the University and consistent with the tenets of the Church of the Nazarene, as expressed in the Manual - Church of the Nazarene. Each organization, whether local or of outside affiliation, must obtain official recognition by whatever method is currently in operation at the University. Contact the Associated Student Body Director for Student Relations via email:

Student Publications - Student publications at Point Loma Nazarene University are under direction of the Media Board. Such publications are a part of the total campus life, and in the finest tradition of journalism, they must present an objective point of view, accuracy in facts, opposing views or a variety of views on controversial issues. All campus publications are subject to approval of the President of the University as a condition of authority to operate.

Student Social Media Policy - Social media has evolved as a primary source of communication that creates opportunities for us to stay informed, explore new ideas, inspire faith, express ourselves personally, and engage in discussion with others around the world. At Point Loma Nazarene University, we believe in open communication and encourage students to actively use social media to:

  • Respectfully communicated with each other.
  • Collaborate with alumni and industry experts.
  • Inspire positive civic engagement and collective action.
  • Produce and share creative content that respects others.
  • Manage their personal digital identity.

For the purposes of this policy, “social media” encompasses all forms of communicating or posting information or content of any sort on the Internet, such as communication posts, or other activity on your own or someone else’s social media profile (including, but not limited to Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), an online blog, any personal website, an online bulletin board or a chat room or any other electronic medium.

Student Responsibility in the Social Space

It is important to remember that social media is constantly changing and providing innovative ways of communicating. New opportunities for individual expression come with inherent risks, responsibilities, and liabilities. We expect students, as PLNU community members, to use responsible, ethical behavior on social media and be cognizant of our rapidly changing world.

Because of the public nature of social media, messages and content can be easily viewed and shared with a wider audience beyond current fans and followers. Students should be aware of the potential for their social media messages and content to be interpreted by this new audience in a way that was not originally intended. Students are strongly encouraged to consider the ramifications and consequences of their messages and content before posting. As social media becomes increasingly entrenched in our everyday lives, the issues around what we can and cannot say on social media are subject to conversation among us. At PLNU, we are committed to having this ongoing conversation.

The University may review content shared by students on social media to identify material that is unlawful or otherwise has the potential to disrupt student learning or other campus operations, as defined in this Policy under “Prohibited Conduct”.

Prohibited Conduct

In alignment with Point Loma Nazarene University’s Student Handbook, this Policy recognizes:

  • The right of each student to freely express themselves as afforded to them by the First Amendment.
  • Our individual and collective responsibility to contribute to an online community spirit of civility and decency.
  • The opportunity for learning and growth for all PLNU community members.

Generally, personal, non-university-related social media profiles and accounts of students are not governed by this Policy, unless such use falls within one of the categories of Prohibited Conduct defined below.

PLNU may take corrective action when it receives notice of social media conduct or content by a student (including an admitted student and/or applicant for admission) which violates:

  1. Any University policy.
  2. “Established and published standards for professionalism” (as defined below); and or state/federal law (where there is sufficient connection to and/or justified concern related to the University).

Prohibited conduct includes:

  1. The use of social media involving the use of PLNU technology resources in a manner inconsistent with the policies and procedures applicable to such use, including a PLNU email account, PLNU electronic media (including official University, departmental and student organization social media pages and accounts), and official PLNU websites.
  2. The use of social media involving a true threat, which occurs where the speaker communicates a serious expression of an intent to commit an act of unlawful violence to a particular individual or group of individuals, such as threatening to assault an individual or group, or other conduct that substantially disrupts another’s work performance or the University’s ability to execute its mission in violation of the Student Handbook or other University Policy.   
  3. The use of social media involving statements directed to inciting or producing imminent violations of law under circumstances such that the statements are likely to actually and imminently incite or produce violations of law or are in violation of the Personal Conduct Policy or other University policies.
  4. The use of social media involving the publication or posting of materials, including comments or conduct constituting discrimination, harassment, retaliation or other conduct prohibited by the University’s Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Harassment or state/federal law.
  5. The use of social media to intentionally share false information about another person in a manner that could damage their reputation, result in financial loss or cause mental suffering (otherwise known as defamation)
  6. The use of social media to intentionally inflict severe emotional distress on another individual as defined by state law; or the use of social media to violate an individual’s privacy as defined by state and/or federal law. 
  7. The use of social media to cause a material and unreasonable interference with the education, research, public service, and outreach missions of the University. In determining whether conduct meets this standard, the University will consider evidence that the conduct is (a) unconnected to any legitimate educational purpose and (b) made with the purpose and effect of causing a material disruption of an individual’s participation in the University’s educational program and activities.
  8. The use of social media in a way that violates the PLNU Student Personal Conduct Policy or any established and published standards of professionalism for a student defined as: any department, program, course, instructor, classroom or club/organization rules, standards or expectations addressing ethical and professional conduct standards of a student’s prospective/current profession and/or affiliation, as set forth on the University’s website, in a course syllabus, in student/club/organization handbooks/expectations, or in other materials distributed or communicated to students by the University (which rules, standards or expectations may be more restrictive than the standard University student policies).

Reporting and Review Process

Any faculty, staff or student (including applicants for admission) who would like to request a review of an alleged behavioral concern may file a report by emailing

A PLNU team member may initiate a review of the alleged behavior to gather evidence and information. Potential violations of this Policy will be reviewed through existing processes such as the Nondiscrimination and Antiharassment Policy and applicable procedures and the Student Code of Conduct. Complete details on the review process as well as process for appeals can be found in the Student Handbook under section “Conduct Processes”.

Social Media Resources Available to Students

Students who have a concern regarding another student’s conduct or content on social media have access to the following resources:  

  • Report it to the social media platform. Each social media platform has its own guidelines and policies that define user violations, including harassment, bullying, infringement of others’ privacy, and more. Students can report an offending account or content to the platform directly so that the platform can review and determine if the account should be suspended or the content be removed.
  • Unfollow, block or delete. Students can also unfollow an offending account, block offending content or delete offending comments that appear on their own profiles and accounts.
  • Report it to the University. If a student’s social media conduct is unlawful or otherwise has the potential to disrupt student learning or other campus operations, as defined by this Policy under Prohibited Conduct, students can file a report using this link or by following the instructions outlined in the PLNU Student Handbook under “Reporting Incidents”. 
  • Report it to Public Safety. If a student uses social media to threaten any crime against another person, students are encouraged to contact the PLNU Department of Public Safety.

Student Substance Use/Possession Policy - One of the major impediments to student success in higher education is alcohol. (See Harvard study). Students who drink alcohol have been found to have lower grades, lower rates of retention to the institution, and are less likely to graduate than students who do not drink. These current studies emphasize the wisdom of our founders in holding a position of abstinence for the PLNU community. The resulting policy places our students in an advantageous position.

  • The University requires that students abstain from the use or possession of marijuana 
  • The University requires that students abstain from the use or possession of other illegal drugs or THC products in any form
  • The University requires that students abstain from the use or possession of alcoholic beverages
  • The University requires that students abstain from the use or possession of smoking products, vaping products, and tobacco products
  • The University requires that students refrain from sharing or selling any personal, prescribed medications
  • The University requires that students refrain from the use or possession of prescription drugs without a prescription

A student's refusal to test for alcohol or illegal drugs will be interpreted as an admission of guilt.

Failure to comply with university officials, fleeing the scene without permission, and/or lying to university officials during the course of any student conduct investigation will result in increased student conduct sanctions (probation, suspension, etc.).

A medical marijuana card and/or legalization of marijuana in the state of California does not supersede the stated PLNU policy.

The substance policy applies during any session of the academic year that a student is enrolled or employed by the University.


Students are encouraged to avail themselves of drug and alcohol prevention resources. The university's Wellness Center, located on the first floor of Nicholson Commons, 619-849-2574, provides prevention, referral, and supportive resources to PLNU students.

Student Conduct Response

While Point Loma Nazarene University reserves the right to expel a student for any student conduct substance use violation. The following circumstances are likely to result in immediate dismissal:

  • Any profane, aggressive or abusive behavior by a student.
  • Students who provide alcohol, illegal drugs or prescription medication to other students.
  • Other extenuating circumstances including, but not limited to, selling or trafficking of alcohol, illegal drugs, or prescription medication.

The university reserves the right to refer drug or illegal behavior to appropriate civil authorities.

Local, State, and Federal Sanctions

Some local, state and federal laws establish severe penalties for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol. These sanctions, upon conviction, range from a fine and probation to lengthy imprisonment. The following websites provide more information regarding state and federal codes related to unlawful use and possession of drugs and alcohol.

California Codes -

Federal Code -

Title 21, Chapter 13 Lists Laws Pertaining to Possession of Controlled Substances and Illegal Trafficking

Theft and Burglary - Breaking and entering, petty larceny, thefts, embezzlement of funds, and similar activities are considered to be major offenses against the university community and will be subject to disciplinary action by the university in addition to possible civil prosecution.

Threats and Violence Against Persons or Property - A supportive community cannot exist where threats occur or where people fear injury or harm. Therefore, threats of violence or violence against persons will result in immediate removal from the university and from university property.

Throwing Food or Other Items in the Nicholson Commons - The Nicholson Commons is a central meeting place designed to foster relationships and the PLNU spirit. It was designed to be the campus living room.  Throwing food or other items and writing on walls is not permitted.

Unauthorized Entry - Entering into any University building, facility or area without authorization is prohibited.

Unauthorized Possession of Keys - The possession of keys by students, or the making of duplicate keys to campus properties without being specifically issued by authorized campus personnel, is prohibited.

Unauthorized Presence, Improper Use - Unauthorized presence on or improper use of, any Point Loma Nazarene University property is prohibited. This includes the unauthorized use of university facilities (i.e. private parties, misuse of the Nicholson Commons, unauthorized solicitation or distribution of advertising materials on University property). It also includes an individual's presence in an area from which he or she has previously been banned.

University Email - The University's official mode of communicating with students is the student's personal email address and must be checked frequently. 

Visitors to the Campus - The campuses of Point Loma Nazarene University are provided primarily to accommodate the immediate university community, (i.e. students, faculty and staff). As a private, independent university, the campuses are private property. The University reserves the right to regulate admission of visitors and to require visitors to obtain a permit under controlled conditions.  Individuals who are approved to stay overnight in a Residence Hall should obtain an overnight parking pass from the Welcome Center. 

Additional Regulations - The University may, from time to time, enact and publish additional policies and regulations. These will be added online to the Student Handbook.

Enforcement - Violation of these Standards and Protocols will result in appropriate legal and/or administrative action, up to and including dismissal from the University. Violation of these standards and protocols also may subject the offender to criminal prosecution or third party civil litigation.

A student alleged to have violated this policy may be subject to the Student Conduct Process as set forth in this Handbook even if the violation occurred off campus.