MUP - Music Performance
Open to community and all students by audition; campus appearances; may accompany large choral works. Participation required of all Music majors with string instrument concentration.
Open to all students by audition; participation required of all music majors with a concentration in a wind or percussion instrument; varied repertoire represents the best literature; local and off-campus concerts.
Open without audition to the university community; a mixed choir which performs choral works of all types; required, without registration or credit, of all members of the Concert Choir and the Point Loma Singers.
Membership by audition. A mixed chorus open to any student. Music majors must register for one unit. One-unit registration includes participation in Choral Union. Local performances schedules.
With membership by audition, Concert Choir is a mixed chorus open to any student. Includes participation in Choral Union. An annual tour and local public performances are scheduled.
With membership by audition, Point Loma Singers is a chamber choir of sixteen mixed voices open to all students. Includes participation in Choral Union. Local performances scheduled.
With membership by audition, this group studies select literature that is determined by the size and type of ensemble.
Contemporary music ensembles including Rock, Jazz, Bluegrass, Praise and Worship and similar. Open to all students by audition. Participation required of all Commercial Music majors.
With membership by audition, the Jazz Band studies standard jazz literature selected and performed in concerts.
With membership by audition the String Quartet performs standard string quartet literature as well as selected chamber music. Local performances.
A small vocal ensemble (membership by audition) focusing on jazz literature.