Academic Catalog 2024-2025

MGT - Management

MGT 5088  Strategic Management  (3 Units)  

This course serves as a capstone experience for business students. It seeks to integrate the diverse areas of business study through formal instruction, a competitive business simulation, case analysis, and in-depth analysis of current problems facing businesses. Consideration is also given to the policy development process, corporate social responsibility, and the highest purposes of business.

Letter grade.  
MGT 5088L  Strategic Management Lab  (0 Units)  

This lab is a required companion to the MGT 5088 capstone course for seniors in the Fermanian School of Business. The lab consists of a comprehensive exam assessing knowledge in business disciplines.

Credit/No Credit.  
Students must pass the exam in order to graduate. Students who do not pass the exam will be required to complete a comprehensive project under the supervision of the Dean of the Fermanian School of Business (or the Dean's designee).