CDM - Creative Digital Media
An introduction to the theory and practice of design thinking, an interdisciplinary approach to practical and creative problem-solving. This course will also introduce students to experiences in the creation and production of computer-generated images. Includes the use of industry standard graphics software to combine image, text, and technology.
Introduction to visual form-making in graphic design through use of symbols, type, and imagery. Exploration of design applications, techniques, issues, and media fundamental to the graphic design profession.
A study of the various ways design has the capacity to shape and influence human behavior and decision-making. Also, the role of organizations and audiences in the design milieu are examined through the lens of user experience psychology and behavioral research.
This course allows students to study, critique, and practice professional content creation across multiple social media platforms with the goal of learning how to engage users, deliver messages, build relationships, measure the impact of social media content, and develop an entrepreneurial or organizational strategy for overseeing social media usage.
An introduction to history, theory, coding languages, best practices, and industry standard workflow for interactive/web projects. Students apply user-centered design methodologies, design principles, and HTML and CSS programming languages to create web interface for interactive mobile and web publishing. Includes the use of industry standard software.
Explores conceptual applications of technology in photography. Emphasis on the image as contemporary art and subject matter. Includes the use of industry standard software.
This course allows students to experiment with streaming media including video, audio, and other moving images on the web within theoretical and practical contexts. Includes fundamentals of basic technical and creative digital video aspects of camera, lighting, sound, graphics (including GIF), producing directing, and editing. Includes the use of industry standard software.
Explores the principles of storytelling across a range of digital media formats, with emphasis on key principles for creating story-rich content. Considers the role of agency, interactivity, story structure, and narrative, as well as the opportunities and challenges raised by emerging interactive and transmedia approaches to story-rich projects.
This capstone course provides senior-level creative digital media professional application. Students will weave together program learning which exemplifies how they are able to contribute to society as ethical, critical thinking, difference makers while developing a comprehensive professional digital portfolio project suitable for a prospective employer.