Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Colleges, Schools and Departments

Academic Governance

Point Loma Nazarene University is committed to broad-based participation in decision making as evidenced in the organization of the faculty and administration. Both groups serve, often with student members, on a wide range of councils and committees that deal with administrative and faculty areas of concern. Recommendations are brought to faculty meetings and/or to the administration through the Administrative Cabinet. A complete listing of the committee structure is included in the Faculty Handbook.

In matters of graduate and professional program curriculum, the various academic units propose changes through the Graduate and Extended Studies Committee (GESC), and then on to a general meeting of the faculty acting as a committee of the whole. The Provost provides general direction to these efforts with the assistance of the Vice Provosts. The Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees acts upon matters of policy relative to the academic program.

Point Loma Nazarene University

Office of Academic Affairs

Accelerated Undergraduate Studies

College Information 

College of Health Sciences

College Information

Fermanian School of Business

College Information